Business Intelligence

A simple and fast system
for actionable data

Our Business Intelligence platform Emoby (Easy Mobility) is a system for collecting, monitoring, analysing and managing data from field marketing activities. 

Each of our activities on the ground involves the collection of data through mobile systems that guarantee speed of collection and visibility. Data and images are thus made immediately available and are organised in customised dashboards that allow you to immediately select, view and export trends.

The large number of indicators allows for all kinds of reporting, both standard and customisable. Analyses are detailed and accurate, and the system’s excellent flexibility allows customisation of files and dashboards. In addition, its compatibility with the most popular data exchange formats makes the Emoby platform easy to integrate with your systems.

Its main advantage? Data and information communicated through an integrated push mail system allow you to make fast and effective decisions with timely actions on the ground.


Data and pictures collection and management


Dashboard Analytics


Real-time access to visibility and product presence data


Training for employees


Standard and customised reporting


File and dashboard customisation


Easy log in anywhere and with any type of device


Fast responses and dashboard production from all angles


Automatic email alerts